
About the Lesson:

"Carrot Crazy" is a short animation film created by Dylan Vanwormer and Logan Scelina. This animation short delivers an interesting message to students watching. It provides the perfect elements needed for students to analyze and compare the motives of two opposite characters with the same goal. 

To keep a twenty-first century student's attention, teachers must find interesting and effective ways to do so. By using short films found on YouTube, such as "Carrot Crazy," teachers are able to provide a relatable and appropriate source of media that students feel connected to. By using this medium of videos, students are able to visual see the emotions of each character, it becomes easier for them to recognize and analyze similarities and differences between two characters within a story. 

CI-2300 Media Analysis and Evaluation Project

With technology improving and it's use increasing daily, the use of media within the classroom has also been evolving. Due to the rising increase of technology and media, classrooms and state standards have been changing to incorperate it. CI- 2300 is a required starter class for all education majors. CI-2300 Cirriculm and Instruction "Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age" provides inspiring educations with the knowledge of how to use technology appropriately within the classroom. For this project I, as a student in CI-2300 had to develop a lesson plan using a piece of media. I could choose any media that I wished. Today, media is not limited, I had many choices from: print, audio, video, news sources, popular music, fictional and non-fiction films, advertising, photojournalism, or illustrated children's books. I chose an animated short from Youtube. The analysis evaluation included siting and recognizing the appropriate age level for this specific media. 

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